Warrington is a genuine northern powerhouse strategically significant, home to a number of multi-nationals and one of only two cities outside the south of England to feature in the top 10 of the influential Centre for Cities Outlook report in 2017. Growing a strong economy for all is a council priority. But so too is ensuring that there are opportunities for the most vulnerable in our society. Other priorities include building strong, active and resilient communities, and creating a place to be proud of. Delivering on the above rests with our employees all 2,700 of them. Thats why, as well as becoming a modern and efficient organisation that understands residents priorities and manages its resources accordingly, we have achieved the Workplace Wellbeing Charter for our holistic approach to the health and wellbeing of our workforce. We are also a proud member of the Employment Stammering Network (ESN) - a group of employers who are committed to creating a culture where people who stammer can achieve their full potential View More