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Oil & Energy

  • Revenue 1B+
  • Size 10000+
  • HQ Contact +90 312 203 80 61
  • Website

Turkiye Elektrik Iletim A.S.nin (TEIAS) kokleri 1970 ylnda kurulan Turkiye Elektrik Kurumuna (TEK) dayanmaktadr. TEK yllar icerisinde farkl donemlerde yeniden yaplandrlmstr ve bunun sonucunda 2001 ylnda TEIAS kurulmustur. TEIAS 2003 ylnda Enerji Piyasas Duzenleme Kurumundan (EPDK) aldg iletim lisans cercevesinde faaliyetlerine baslamstr. Uluslararas enerji piyasalarna entegre, milli enerji politikalarna uygun oncu sistem ve sebeke isletmecisi olma vizyonuyla hareket eden TEIAS, enerji ihtiyacndaki gelismelere paralel olarak elektrik iletim altyaplarn genisletiyor, Turkiye elektrik sistemini uluslararas standartlarda, kaliteli, ekonomik ve guvenilir bir sekilde isletiyor. * The roots of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS) go back to Turkish Electricity Authority (TEK) which was founded in 1970. TEK was restructured in different periods over the years and in the continuation of this process, TEIAS was established in 2001. In 2003, TEIAS started its operations within the framework of the transmission license obtained from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK). The vision of TEIAS is to integrate into international energy markets and to become a pioneering system and network operator in line with national energy policies of Turkey. In parallel to the developments in energy demand, TEIAS expands its electricity transmission infrastructure and operates in international standards, in a quality way, economically and reliably View More

Electricity Transmission View More

People working in TEIAS

Ramazan Unlu
Owner r***********@******* ********9740
Suat Yildirim
Owner s************@******* ********1254
Cafer Sutasdemir
Planning Chief Engineer c***************@******* ********5897
Atilla Saritas
Chief Engineer a*************@******* ********9014
Dr Daghan
Metering Systems Group Chief... D********@******* ********4685
Brian Guillot
Chief Technology Officer b************@******* ********2223
Erhan Polat
Joint CEO e**********@******* ********1591
Ibrahim Aydogdu
Chief Engineer i**************@******* ********3225
Dr Daghan
Metering Systems Group Chief... D********@******* ********6441
Birol Karatay
Chief of IT b************@******* ********2789
Burcin Kaplan
Group Chief Engineer b************@******* ********4694
Hakan Daghan
Metering Systems Group Chief... h***********@******* ********0538
Ibrahim A
Chief Engineer i********@******* ********9570
Mahmut Sungu
Chief Engineer m***********@******* ********0335
Zeynep Gulay
Chief Engineer z***********@******* ********3328
Faik Batan
Lead Software Engineer f*********@******* ********3250
Habip Oner
Lead Electrical Engineer h*********@******* ********1467
Cevdet Eroglu
Head of Engineering C************@******* ********6901
Volkan Dadali
Head Coach v************@******* ********1608
Serhat Metin
Head of Department s***********@******* ********3381
Gulsah Cekmez
Head Of Corporate Development... g************@******* ********1791
Uhammed Isk
Head Chief Electrical and... u**********@******* ********4456
Mesut Bayram
Technical Director m***********@******* ********0727
Levent Celik
Director l***********@******* ********8809
Yasin Kilic
Assistant Director y**********@******* ********2838
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Products & Technologies used at TEIAS

Technology Stack used at TEIAS
Typo3 cms Php Web-vitals Webpack Module federation
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Products used at TEIAS
Google analytics Surveys 360 Root
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Frequently asked questions about TEIAS

  1. What does TEIAS's do?
    Turkiye Elektrik Iletim A.S.nin (TEIAS) kokleri 1970 ylnda kurulan Turkiye Elektrik Kurumuna (TEK) dayanmaktadr. TEK yllar icerisinde farkl donemlerde yeniden yaplandrlmstr ve bunun sonucunda 2001 ylnda TEIAS kurulmustur. TEIAS 2003 ylnda Enerji Piyasas Duzenleme Kurumundan (EPDK) aldg iletim lisans cercevesinde faaliyetlerine baslamstr. Uluslararas enerji piyasalarna entegre, milli enerji politikalarna uygun oncu sistem ve sebeke isletmecisi olma vizyonuyla hareket eden TEIAS,...
  2. What are TEIAS's specialities?
    Electricity transmission
  3. What is TEIAS's industry?
    Teias operates in Oil & energy industry.
  4. What is TEIAS's HQ phone number?
    Teias's HQ Phone number is +90 312 203 80 61
  5. What is TEIAS's revenue?
    Teias's revenue is 1b+
  6. What is TEIAS's company size?
    Teias's has 10000+ people working.
  7. What is TEIAS's official website? is official website of Teias.