
Tata International Limited

International Trade and Development

Specialities :
Metals trading
Distribution- auto & allied and non-auto
Leather & leather products
Minerals trading
And agri trading
revenue-icon Revenue
funding-icon Total Funding
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Frequently Asked Questions About Tata International Limited

What does Tata international limited do?+

Tata International Limited (TIL) is a global trading and distribution company with a presence in manufacturing and supply chain integration in select businesses. With a network of offices and subsidiaries in more than 39 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, we leverage our worldwide presence and our sourcing and marketing competencies to work with global brands and market leaders. We are guided by the tenets of the Tata Code of Conduct and strive to achieve the highest possible ethical standards to deliver what we promise to customers. With our vision of being globally significant in each of our...

What are Tata international limited's specialties? +

Metals trading,distribution- auto & allied and non-auto,leather & leather products,minerals trading,and agri trading

What is Tata international limited's industry? +

Tata international limited operates in the International trade and development industry.

What is Tata international limited's HQ phone number? +

Tata international limited's HQ phone number is +221 33 867 36 46

What is Tata international limited's revenue? +

Tata international limited's revenue is 1b+

What is Tata international limited's company size? +

Tata international limited has 10000+ employees.

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