The Alliance was created keeping in mind the end goal to become a global leader in terms of Synergies. The Alliance owes its success to its longest-lasting and most productive cross-cultural partnership in the auto industry, and to developing the latest advanced technologies. The Alliance plans to offer autonomous drive, connectivity features and services on a wide range of affordable vehicles. In India, the alliance exists in the form of 5 fully functional business entities- the manufacturing wing -RNAIPL (Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd, Chennai), the R&D center, RNTBCI (Renault Nissan Technology & Business Center India, Chennai), two commercial entities of RIPL (Renault India Pvt Ltd, Chennai, Gurgaon & Mumbai) and NMIPL (Nissan Motors India Pvt Ltd, Chennai, Gurgaon) and a finance wing of NRFSI (Nissan Renault Financial Services India, Chennai & Gurgaon) View More