
PT. Bringin Karya Sejahtera

Facilities Services

Specialities :
Property management
Facility service
Management service
And archive service
revenue-icon Revenue
501M - 1B
funding-icon Total Funding
size-icon Size
5001 - 10000

Frequently Asked Questions About PT. Bringin Karya Sejahtera

What does Pt. bringin karya sejahtera do?+

PT Bringin Karya Sejahtera (BKS) hadir sejak 1986, merupakan anak usaha dari BRIdapen (Dana Pensiun BRI) yang berinduk dari BRI Group. BKS bergerak dibidang Construction, Property Management & Facility Services

What are Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's specialties? +

Construction,property management,facility service,management service,and archive service

What is Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's industry? +

Pt. bringin karya sejahtera operates in the Facilities services industry.

What is Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's HQ phone number? +

Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's HQ phone number is +62 511 3260605

What is Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's revenue? +

Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's revenue is 501m - 1b

What is Pt. bringin karya sejahtera's company size? +

Pt. bringin karya sejahtera has 5001 - 10000 employees.

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