Manuli Hydraulics is focused on achieving excellence in the design, manufacture and supply of fluid conveyance solutions, components and associated equipment for high pressure hydraulics, refrigeration and oil and marine applications. Manuli Hydraulics has over 2,000 employees, with manufacturing and logistics facilities located in 14 countries throughout the world
What are Manuli Hydraulics's specialities?
Hydraulic hoses
Hydraulic fittings
Conveying hoses
Assembly equipment
Refrigeration & cooling hoses
What is MANULI HYDRAULICS's industry?
Manuli hydraulics operates in
Mechanical or industrial engineering industry.
What is MANULI HYDRAULICS's HQ phone number?
Manuli hydraulics's HQ Phone number is
+44 121 504 9040
What is MANULI HYDRAULICS's revenue?
Manuli hydraulics's revenue is
501m - 1b
What is MANULI HYDRAULICS's company size?
Manuli hydraulics's has
1001 - 5000 people working.
What is MANULI HYDRAULICS's official website?
www.manuli-hydraulics.com is official website of
Manuli hydraulics.