AGRANA is an internationally oriented Austrian company which adds value to agricultural commodities to produce a wide range of industrial products for the processing sector. With around 9,000 employees based at 55 production facilities located around the world, AGRANA maintains a global presence and generates consolidated revenues of almost 2,9 billion. AGRANA has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1991 and in the Prime Market segment since 2002. In its three business segments, Fruit, Starch and Sugar, AGRANA supplies local producers and large international players, particularly those in the food processing industry. In the Sugar segment, AGRANA supplies both industrial and end customers with sugar products under the Wiener Zucker brand. Today, the group is: The world market leader in the Fruit segment for fruit preparations and one of the most important producers of fruit juice concentrates worldwide. Major manufacturer of customer-specific starch products (made from potato, corn and wheat) and of bioethanol. Leading supplier of sugar and isoglucose in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. AGRANAs objectives are to offer both global and regional customers top product quality, optimal service and innovative concepts and expertise in the area of product development View More