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Universite Blaise Pascal Logo

Universite Blaise Pascal


  • Revenue 501M - 1B
  • Size 1001 - 5000
  • HQ Contact +33 4 73 40 75 32
  • Website

Following its patron Blaise Pascal, the University at Clermont-Ferrand is dedicated to a wide spectrum of knowledge, research and teaching, ranging from Sciences to Humanities. Its 15,000 students enjoy both the quality of professors doing research in 35 laboratories, and the quality of life in a mid-sized urban area with short commuting times and great outdoor life opportunities View More

People working in Universite Blaise Pascal

Cindy Amorim
Ferrand et peripherie -... c***********@************* ********2985
Karine Bibiotheque
employee de bibliotheque (... k**************@************* ********7772
Frederic Prulhiere
Directeur Licence Pro TAIS... f*****************@************* ********5163
Michel Dhome
Directeur Institut Pascal m***********@************* ********7883
Bessehoggan Pascale
Directeur de recherches CNRS... b******************@************* ********3317
Telesphore Sime
Directeur de Recherche CNRS... t********************@************* ********2903
Lamia Badra
Co-director of Master in... l*****************@************* ********3808
Etienne Tripier
Directeur CEAD e**************@************* ********0086
Dj Brand
au - Prince, Haiti... d*******@************* ********1694
Sebastien Ratel
Senior lecturer s**************@************* ********8212
Jean-christophe Benquet
Ferrand et peripherie -... j*********************@************* ********5810
Frederic Brun
technicien f************@************* ********9576
Troquet Michel
Professeur t*************@************* ********1207
Petit Alain
didecteur departement philosophie p**********@************* ********4658
Philip Hoggan
chair theoretical chemistry p************@************* ********8803
Niamh Byrne
Lectrice n**********@************* ********1350
Michael Gregoire
Maitre de Conferences m***************@************* ********7107
Carole Besson
Ingenieur detudes c************@************* ********1347
Corinne Jufre
Agent c************@************* ********5179
Cloe Seignovert
Etudiante c**************@************* ********4269
Lucrezia Chinellato
Maitre de langue l******************@************* ********3475
Martine Spensky
Professeure Emerite de Civilisation... m**************@************* ********3177
Julie Billon
English Teacher j***********@************* ********9301
Marie Debout
enseignante m***********@************* ********9624
Vincent Limouzy
Associate Professor v**************@************* ********8746
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Frequently asked questions about Universite Blaise Pascal

    Following its patron Blaise Pascal, the University at Clermont-Ferrand is dedicated to a wide spectrum of knowledge, research and teaching, ranging from Sciences to Humanities. Its 15,000 students enjoy both the quality of professors doing research in 35 laboratories, and the quality of life in a mid-sized urban area with short commuting times and great outdoor life opportunities
  2. What is UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL's industry?
    Universite blaise pascal operates in Research industry.
  3. What is UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL's HQ phone number?
    Universite blaise pascal's HQ Phone number is +33 4 73 40 75 32
  4. What is UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL's revenue?
    Universite blaise pascal's revenue is 501m - 1b
  5. What is UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL's company size?
    Universite blaise pascal's has 1001 - 5000 people working.
  6. What is UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL's official website? is official website of Universite blaise pascal.