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U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Logo

U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)


  • Revenue 1B+
  • Size 10000+
  • HQ Contact
  • Website

Headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) consists of more than 750,000 Active Army, U.S. Army Reserve, and Army National Guard soldiers. U.S. Army Forces Command is the largest United States Army command and provider of expeditionary, regionally engaged, campaign-capable land forces to combatant commanders. Forces Command trains and prepares a combat ready, globally responsive Total Force in order to build and sustain readiness to meet Combatant Command requirements. The vision of Forces Command is: U.S. Army Forces Command produces combat ready and globally responsive Total Army Forces that are well led, disciplined, trained, and expeditionary...ready now to deploy and win in Large Scale Combat Operations against near-peer threats. Forces Commands organizations are expeditionary, campaign focused, and tailorable to provide combatant commanders the required capabilities to be decisive across the range of military operations. FORSCOM Frontline Podcast: View More

People working in U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)

Jody Benz
G-37 Training Support Integration... j********@***** ********9096
Catherine Bailey
Chief, Assistance and Investigations... c***************@***** ********5633
Marne Sutten
G6/CIO Chief Information Officer... m***********@***** ********4457
Skip Larsen
Division Chief, Collective Training... s**********@***** ********1254
John Haynes
Chief, Maintenance Branch SMC... j**********@***** ********2021
Elisabeth Bramble
Chief of Protocol e****************@***** ********1410
Executive Logistics Manager/Chief Organizational... B*****@***** ********2572
Carolyn Patton
Chief, Program Office c*************@***** ********8335
Susan Jones
Branch Chief s**********@***** ********1346
Luis Feliciano
HR Branch Chief l*************@***** ********6665
Tyler Deminsky
15R, AH-64E Apache Mechanic/CrewChief... t*************@***** ********3982
Terrence Bruno
Force Structure Integration Team... t*************@***** ********6581
James Muhl
Assitant Deputy Chief of... j*********@***** ********7776
Kevin Gregar
G-33 Deployment Readiness Branch... k***********@***** ********0034
Bryan Jones
Brigade Commander (CEO) b**********@***** ********5340
Fred Oliver
Chief, Military Awards &... f**********@***** ********6899
Victor Bero
Branch Chief v**********@***** ********4125
Theodore Kientz
Asymmetric Warfare Home Station... t**************@***** ********3482
Christopher Kugler
team leader c*****************@***** ********6105
Timothy Dml
Deployment Process and Systems... t************@***** ********5040
Timothy Honeycutt
Infantry Team Leader t****************@***** ********5910
Benjamin Parks
Team Leader b*************@***** ********0072
Jared Toney
Infantry Team Leader j**********@***** ********1825
Tim Belsches
Team Leader t***********@***** ********8578
Daniel Gamez
Team Leader d***********@***** ********3334
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Products & Technologies used at U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)

Technology Stack used at U.S. ARMY FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM)
Risk Assessment Link Fax Customer service Communication Staffing Ar Communication techniques Security Payment Operations Disaster Privacy Financial Interoperability Performance evaluation Dod security Scheduling Audio-visual
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Google analytics Informatica Links Motion Root Mass Pass Air Next Visit Access Sheets Damp Workplace Director Powerpoint Teamwork Flight Portal Board
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Frequently asked questions about U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)

  1. What does U.S. ARMY FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM)'s do?
    Headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) consists of more than 750,000 Active Army, U.S. Army Reserve, and Army National Guard soldiers. U.S. Army Forces Command is the largest United States Army command and provider of expeditionary, regionally engaged, campaign-capable land forces to combatant commanders. Forces Command trains and prepares a combat ready, globally responsive...
  2. What is U.S. ARMY FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM)'s industry?
    U.s. army forces command (forscom) operates in Military industry.
  3. What is U.S. ARMY FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM)'s revenue?
    U.s. army forces command (forscom)'s revenue is 1b+
  4. What is U.S. ARMY FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM)'s company size?
    U.s. army forces command (forscom)'s has 10000+ people working.
  5. What is U.S. ARMY FORCES COMMAND (FORSCOM)'s official website? is official website of U.s. army forces command (forscom).