T. Hansen Gruppen A/S was founded in 1991 in Middelfart, Denmark. The company started out as a traditional mail order company, selling spare parts for mopeds. This expanded in 1995 with the addition of accessories for mobile phones. Subsequently the range of goods has further expanded, and offers a large choice of equipment and spare parts for cars. In 2003 T. Hansen Gruppen A/S found huge success by importing and selling Mopeds. In 2006 we began to import tires and wheels, which now represent a fair share of our revenue. We have a production line which produces 1800 wheels fitted with tires every day. The range now offers more than 250.000 articles, and is continuously being developed. Today you will find scooters, accessories for mobile phones, spare parts and equipment for cars, bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds, as well as hi-fi, computer accessories, camping gear and tools. We import a large part of our stock directly from suppliers around the world. Today T. Hansen Gruppen A/S is one of the largest suppliers to Danish car owners with both mail order, e-shop and nearly 130 shops throughout Denmark and Norway. We employ approximately 1.500 people. T. Hansen Gruppen A/S wants to be the leading company within its field. We will do so, by always keeping the costumer in the centre, by providing the very best service, and by selling products where quality is better than the price indicates View More