Security and Investigations

  • Revenue 501M - 1B
  • Size 1001 - 5000
  • HQ Contact +33 1 41 27 07 07
  • Website

Securalliance est le 1er reseau dentreprises qui federe 4 acteurs majeurs de la securite en France. Leaders sur leurs marches respectifs, les quatre membres de Securalliance sont tous independants, certifies, proprietaires de leurs entreprises et disposent dune experience minimum de dix ans dans cette activite. Les chiffres cles de Securalliance : - 4 PME fortement implantees regionalement - 8 eme prestataire national - 71M de chiffres daffaires en 2017 - Plus de 2500 collaborateurs repartis sur tout le territoire francais Le GIE peut donc offrir une couverture nationale a ses clients qui souhaitent mutualiser leurs achats en un contrat cadre. Cest la strategie ambitieuse du glocal : entre des appels doffres qui sinternationalisent et des habitudes de consommation qui se localisent, nos equipes sont plus que jamais mobilisees pour relever ces nouveaux challenges. Securalliance, cest une aventure humaine inedite , une approche innovante de la securite privee en France. En alliant technologies de pointe et savoirs faire humains , Securalliance se positionne comme une force dequilibre: dematerialisation des documents, transmission en temps reel des informations, logiciels derniere generation, process de tracking, ... mais aussi des agents qualifies et diplomes, aux competences renforcees grace a des formations specifiques et transversales, des responsables QHSE, des managers qualite, des equipes support deployees en nombre. Ainsi, Securalliance est une alternative credible et incontournable dans un marche ou cohabitent des multinationales distantes de leurs clients et des acteurs fragiles ou disperses. View More

Sécurité privée Gardiennage Technologies Agents de sécurité... Surveillance Humaine Contrôle des accès... Sécurité mobile View More

People working in SECURALLIANCE Partners

Dir Comm
DIRECTEUR COMMERCIAL FRANCE ********@********** ********9954
Amaury Chaumette
Directeur commercial ****************@********** ********7358
Ivan Streiff
Responsable grands comptes ************@********** ********6283
Delphine Cadel
Responsable administra et financier... **************@********** ********1375
Rodolphe Charloteaux
chef de poste ********************@********** ********6683
Morgan Lemettais
Agent de securite ****************@********** ********1237
Vanessa Bertran
Chef de poste ***************@********** ********4164
Emilie Albert
Comptable *************@********** ********5182
Enguerrand Vandecapelle
Charge daffaires grands comptes... ***********************@********** ********3233
Emilie Albert
Comptable *************@********** ********5646
Bastien Billard
Coordinateur HSE dedie au... ***************@********** ********6223
Luc Buyck
Pilote National dexploitation *********@********** ********1434
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SECURALLIANCE Partners's website built with

  • WordPress

    WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system.

    Cms Blogs
  • MySQL

    MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

  • PHP

    PHP is a general-purpose scripting language used for web development.

    Programming languages
  • YouTube

    YouTube is a video sharing service where users can create their own profile, upload videos, watch, like and comment on other videos.

    Video players
  • Bootstrap

    Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

    Ui frameworks
  • SVG Support
    SVG Support

    SVG Support is a WordPress plugin which allows you to safely upload SVG files to your media library and use them like any other image.

    Wordpress plugins
  • Apache HTTP Server
    Apache HTTP Server

    Apache is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software.

    Web servers
  • Slick

    Javascript libraries
  • Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)
    Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)

    Twitter Emoji is a set of open-source emoticons and emojis for Twitter, TweetDeck, and also for Android and iOS versions of the application.

    Font scripts
  • jQuery Migrate
    jQuery Migrate

    Query Migrate is a javascript library that allows you to preserve the compatibility of your jQuery code developed for versions of jQuery older than 1.9.

    Javascript libraries
  • jQuery

    jQuery is a JavaScript library which is a free, open-source software designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.

    Javascript libraries
  • Google Analytics
    Google Analytics

    Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.

  • OVHcloud

    OVHcloud is a global, cloud provider delivering hosted private cloud, public cloud, and dedicated server solutions.

    Paas Hosting
  • Microsoft 365
    Microsoft 365

    Microsoft 365 is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office product line.

    Webmail Email
  • Open Graph
    Open Graph

    Open Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.


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Frequently asked questions about SECURALLIANCE Partners

    Securalliance est le 1er reseau dentreprises qui federe 4 acteurs majeurs de la securite en France. Leaders sur leurs marches respectifs, les quatre membres de Securalliance sont tous independants, certifies, proprietaires de leurs entreprises et disposent dune experience minimum de dix ans dans cette activite. Les chiffres cles de Securalliance : - 4 PME fortement implantees regionalement - 8 eme...
  2. What are SECURALLIANCE Partners's specialities?
    Sécurité privée , Gardiennage , Technologies , Agents de sécurité , Surveillance humaine , Contrôle des accès , Sécurité mobile
  3. What is SECURALLIANCE PARTNERS's industry?
    Securalliance partners operates in Security and investigations industry.
  4. What is SECURALLIANCE PARTNERS's HQ phone number?
    Securalliance partners's HQ Phone number is +33 1 41 27 07 07
  5. What is SECURALLIANCE PARTNERS's revenue?
    Securalliance partners's revenue is 501m - 1b
  6. What is SECURALLIANCE PARTNERS's company size?
    Securalliance partners's has 1001 - 5000 people working.
  7. What is SECURALLIANCE PARTNERS's official website? is official website of Securalliance partners.