The overarching mission of the program is to train qualified clinicians, academic scholars, and applied researchers in clinical psychology. Embedded in this mission statement are core values of Yeshiva University that include: (1) bringing wisdom to life; (2) love of knowledge for its own sake; (3) a commitment to excellence in teaching and research; and (4) the view that liberal arts and social sciences are compatible with high ethical and moral standards. At the graduate level of training, this mission is manifested through an emphasis on the ethical and moral principles that govern professional scientist-practitioners search for knowledge. The Programs training philosophy is aimed at training psychologists who are both clinically and academically prepared to work as clinicians and researchers in diverse settings. This program design is based on the premise that psychologists working in mental and physical health settings need a strong foundation of clinical and research skills, to enable graduates to provide superior clinical services and make meaningful research contributions. The foundations of psychology represent the primary base, with in-depth training in general clinical psychology. This training base is complemented by training in health psychology, physiological bases of behavior, and public health systems. The clinical psychology PhD health emphasis program was awarded APA Accreditation effective October 2005 and again in 2009 for the following 7 years. The next accreditation review is scheduled for 2016. The APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation supports the APA Commission on Accreditation (CoA) in carrying out its responsibilities as the nationally recognized accrediting body for education and training programs in professional psychology View More