Association Messidor Logo

Association Messidor

Civic & Social Organization

  • Revenue 501M - 1B
  • Size 1001 - 5000
  • HQ Contact +33 4 78 78 00 78
  • Website

Compte officiel de lassociation Messidor. Messidor est une association qui gere des etablissements de travail protege : Etablissements et Services dAide par le Travail (ESAT) et des Entreprises Adaptees (EA) qui accueillent des personnes handicapees psychiques. Messidor permet a ces personnes reconnues travailleurs handicapes par la CDAPH (Commission des Droits et de lAutonomie des Personnes Handicapees), de reprendre une activite professionnelle grace a un parcours individualise incluant une activite salariee dans des activites de services, et avec des formations appropriees. Messidor est Labelisee Pionnier #FRENCH IMPACT depuis juin 2018 View More

People working in Association Messidor

Benoit Boiseau
Directeur *********@********** ********4024
Philippe Bascunana
Directeur departemental ***********@********** ********5523
Philippe Triolier
Directeur **********@********** ********6507
David Zapparoli
Directeur territorial ***********@********** ********3821
Patrick Barba
Directeur *******@********** ********5398
Bibiche Claude
Stagiaire ********@********** ********7445
Evelyne Joly
Responsable dactivites et de... ******@********** ********2153
David Karaer
ouvrier production ********@********** ********0553
Clemence Cavelier
Coordinatrice de parcours dinsertion... **********@********** ********2992
Patrice Tavella
Encadreur qualite *********@********** ********1720
Caroline Bournigault
Comptable *************@********** ********4959
Delphine Buisson
Coordinatrice de parcours Entreprise... *********@********** ********5853
Christian Ollier
Ouvrier en nettoyage ********@********** ********9778
Michel Hartmann
Ouvrier paysagiste **********@********** ********8380
Renee Mestres
Fonction publique *********@********** ********1928
Roseline Meyer
Coordinatrice Job Coach *******@********** ********3693
Virginie Plantier
Ressources humaines **********@********** ********2192
Chloe Joud
Chargee de projets innovants... ******@********** ********7618
Jean-christophe Gaillard
Educateur **********@********** ********6335
Esther Nucera
Rhone - Alpes, France... ********@********** ********6888
Eulalie M
Responsable dunites de productions... ***@********** ********2885
Alain Cheuzeville
Comptable *************@********** ********6090
Isabelle Hugot
JOB COACH - CONSEILLERE... *******@********** ********0075
Tahsin Sankilicoglu
Rhone - Alpes, France... **************@********** ********6275
Michele Neveux
Coordinatrice de parcours dinsertion... ********@********** ********1437
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Products & Technologies used at Association Messidor

Joomla Root Jquery Next Plateau
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Association Messidor's website built with

  • Joomla

    Joomla is a free and open-source content management system for publishing web content.

  • PHP

    PHP is a general-purpose scripting language used for web development.

    Programming languages
  • Linkedin Sign-in
    Linkedin Sign-in

    Linkedin Sign-In is an authentication system that reduces the burden of login for users, by enabling them to sign in with their Linkedin account.

  • Bootstrap

    Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

    Ui frameworks
  • Microsoft ASP.NET
    Microsoft ASP.NET

    ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web-application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.

    Web frameworks
  • Nginx

    Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.

    Web servers Reverse proxies
  • Twitter

    Twitter is a 'microblogging' system that allows you to send and receive short posts called tweets.

  • Twitter Ads
    Twitter Ads

    Twitter Ads is an advertising platform for Twitter 'microblogging' system.

  • core-js

    core-js is a modular standard library for JavaScript, with polyfills for cutting-edge ECMAScript features.

    Javascript libraries
  • scrollreveal

    Javascript libraries
  • jQuery Migrate
    jQuery Migrate

    Query Migrate is a javascript library that allows you to preserve the compatibility of your jQuery code developed for versions of jQuery older than 1.9.

    Javascript libraries
  • jQuery

    jQuery is a JavaScript library which is a free, open-source software designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.

    Javascript libraries
  • Google Font API
    Google Font API

    Google Font API is a web service that supports open-source font files that can be used on your web designs.

    Font scripts
  • Mailjet

    Mailjet is an email delivery service for marketing and developer teams.


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Frequently asked questions about Association Messidor

  1. What does ASSOCIATION MESSIDOR's do?
    Compte officiel de lassociation Messidor. Messidor est une association qui gere des etablissements de travail protege : Etablissements et Services dAide par le Travail (ESAT) et des Entreprises Adaptees (EA) qui accueillent des personnes handicapees psychiques. Messidor permet a ces personnes reconnues travailleurs handicapes par la CDAPH (Commission des Droits et de lAutonomie des Personnes Handicapees), de reprendre une activite...
  2. What is ASSOCIATION MESSIDOR's industry?
    Association messidor operates in Civic & social organization industry.
  3. What is ASSOCIATION MESSIDOR's HQ phone number?
    Association messidor's HQ Phone number is +33 4 78 78 00 78
  4. What is ASSOCIATION MESSIDOR's revenue?
    Association messidor's revenue is 501m - 1b
  5. What is ASSOCIATION MESSIDOR's company size?
    Association messidor's has 1001 - 5000 people working.
  6. What is ASSOCIATION MESSIDOR's official website? is official website of Association messidor.